billnancygraham 2nd September 2011

Tyler, our precious grandson. We miss you so much, as everyone does, but along with the deep sorrow comes wonderful memories of you. You were a city boy but there was also a country boy within you. Every summer for a week or two you and Caitlin were with us. We loved having you and always tried to pack everything into your visits that we could. When you were younger there was the "cousins club", hot dog roasts with big bonfires,fishing (which you loved), the summer of the BB guns, sleepovers, eating out, etc. When you got older there were more great adventures such as amusement parks, especially our favorite "Hershey Park". You were my roller coaster riding buddy and one year we did every coaster in the park except one (it got too late), and we rode every one two or three times. I hated the old wooden one that shook you to pieces but you loved it. The last thing we always did when leaving the park was the Hershey candy factory tour. We always got our picture taken and a free candy bar. We had great times. Back to the adventures. The night we all gathered and ate at Santa Fe and Ashton had to wait on all of us, the boat rides with Uncle Scott, the rough-it camping expeditions with Uncle Jeff (the girls didn't go on those),rock climbing, and best of all were the weekend camping trips with everyone at Jennings. We would stay up late sitting around the campfire talking, cooking in the hot coals (Uncle Jeff's specialty), riding in the boat, tubing, jumping off the rocks. You loved that and also helped Dalton. You were always there for the cousins each and every one of them, and the little ones (the crazy eight). they will always hear the stories of you and will never forget you thanks to Aunts Cindy, Carla, Erica and Patti, and Uncles John, Dave, Scott, and Jeff. Last week when they were all here they buried treasure and built a memorial to you. You will never be forgotten. Ashton, Adria, and Dalton go over and over stories about things you all did. You were so caring to Dalton and he learned from you. Pap was so proud to take you to court and introduce you to everyone, especially to the Judge. He loved how you stayed for the whole case and took such an interest in it. You and he would always talk about it when we saw you. You are a wonderful grandson, we miss you terribly; but our memories are good. The last words you ever said to me as we were leaving the beach were, "Don't worry Grandma, I will be fine" and I believe that. Our thoughts and prayers are always with your Mom, Dad, and Caitlin that God will grant them peace and hope. We will meet again. We Love You Forever. Grandma and Pap